Thursday, December 24, 2015

Stew Richland
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Century Village and all our residents around the globe


Taking The High Road – a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION

Thomas Jefferson once remarked, “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”

In this holiday season we are always reminded to forgive our enemies and reflect upon OUR families many blessings and not on the misfortunes and misdeeds of some among us who have to many to count. I will honor the spirit of this holiday season with a pledge to forgive those who wish me ill  and hope that the spirit of the holidays will bring clarity to their thoughts  and civility to their actions.
So I will take the high road during this holiday season and appreciate it and with the knowledge that every time I am able to find some humor in a difficult situation, I win.

On reflection of Dave Israel’s decision to notify Code Enforcement about the campaign banner that was placed on the synagogue fence on Haverhill Road or as he refers to it a “snipe sign,”  I initially felt anger in what you  did,  but  I’m just disappointed that you turned into the person that everyone says that you are.

Dave, I forgive you for having our banner  taken down.  I forgive you for that pathetic statement about polluting Association bulletin boards.  I forgive you for supporting a Nominations Committee that has been given so little time to prepare for an election that is so important to the future of Century Village.  I forgive you for all those snide and rude remarks that you utter at the Delegate Assembly meetings,  Advisory and Executive Board meetings.  Your forgiven for the decisions that you made that led to the firing of Howie Silver and so many others.  Being the Commissar of adjectives,  and snide remarks,  I also forgive you for the uncivilized behavior you always display at the Delegates Assembly towards those residents that you dislike.

I also give you a pass when you wanted to force WI-FI on the Village when very few people wanted it. A few years ago you had supported term limits and now you have “flip-flopped” on your position and fostering on Century Village an extra two years of your regime.  Based on your comments at a recent Executive Board meeting and your Presidents message in the UCO Reporter,  I will assume you are shooting for a fourth term as UCO President.  However, as generous as I am, I cannot forgive you for breaking the time honored term limit rule and using your position to restrict opinion columns in the Reporter that challenge your decisions. 

Just an observation for you to ponder.  The high road can be narrow and bumpy but the view is magnificent.  So Dave, for your New Years resolution, I recommend you take the high road, you won’t be able to appreciate it until you do it and you will find that you are not alone,  Phyllis Richland and her supporters will be there to greet you.
Happy –Xmas to all. 
As Tiny Tim says: “God Bless us everyone!”

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