Wednesday, December 30, 2015




Salutary Neglect

This is an American History term that refers to an unofficial policy of the British Crown to avoid any confrontation with the American colonies while they were involved in Empire building around the globe.  The threat of rebellion by the colonies was of clear concern to the British crown.   When the independent minded colonists  decided they had enough of the heavy handed policies of the British crown they made their feelings known by holding public meetings,  using the press and placing informational notices on all public bulletin boards.  The British attempted to reverse this movement by placing restrictive rules on the Colonies.  These measures infuriated the colonists.  They struck back by forming the Sons of Liberty which led to the Boston Tea Party.
Will Durant, a famous historian, had written that, “History always repeats itself….the story of man runs in a dreary circle.” 

That is just what happened here in the Village.  When Dave Israel began to take notice of the rising ground swell of disgust with UCO under his regime,  he could no longer turn a blind-eye to these events.  UCO along with a compliant WPRF adopted the policy of not allowing any political campaigning in the “Peoples House,”  or as many refer to it as the “Club House.”  The next move was to restrict any articles that were deemed anti-Dave Israel from being published in the UCO Reporter.  These actions were followed by UCO ridding itself  of any volunteers  that it deemed as not supporting the policies of the administration. Thus the seeds of anti-Dave Israel administration were sown.
Dave Israel, on his blog said “he recently experienced an act that he personally considers sacrilegious  when a political sign was placed on the grounds of the synagogue on Haverhill Road” . He called this banner an “eye sore”  and reported it to Code Enforcement.

Does Israel really believe that we would fall for this ambiguous idea that he was personally offended by Phyllis Richland’s  banner that announced that she was running for UCO President in 2016.  Fear of the growing opposition to his regime motivated Israel to sic the county and have the banner removed.  

What is the purpose of an Association Bulletin Board?  It is a public forum that allows users news items and messages so they can be seen by many people.  So by Dave Israel’s definition anything placed on an Association bulletin board is viewed as pollution.  Is it not interesting how Dave can so easily compartmentalize those things that offend him.  What meets his displeasure he calls sacrilege, horrors to Betsy, but when  he resorts to language that degrades residents or fires them from their volunteer job,  that’s  perfectly acceptable by his standards.  Ugh!, and this is a man who wants to be a four time President.  Well Mr. Israel you are no Franklin D. Roosevelt!

Lets take a look at Mr. Israel’s three supporters!

So Lanny Howe just woke up.  Good the paper tiger is back in the game.  Lincoln once said that, “To keep silent when we should protest, makes cowards of men.” That is why I published my column on “forgiveness.”  The column you refer to  on David’s blog is just a literary technique to inform without resorting to pejoratives.  Sorry you did not get it?  I view my self as an individual that will not keep quiet because I do not want to allow what is happening to the Village to continue.

When Thomas Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence he listed all the grievances that the colonists had endured under British rule.  Simply stated, they asked for redress, the King  did not listen, so now he informed the British King that they have reached a parting of the ways.  Jefferson was a “malcontent”  along with so many others.  We here in Century Village feel emboldened by what our forefathers achieved, and we, the “malcontents”  know that our 1776 will arrive in March, 2016.

What can one say about “Gunga Din” Peter Cruise.  His claim to fame is carrying Dave Israel’s water, and tearing down campaign posters.  Enough said about number two stooge.

Grace suffers from what we call “selective memory loss” when it suits her.  In her posting about my grand daughter using our condo in the building in which she is the president, Grace intimates that we installed an underage person in an apartment that had, as George Carlin would say, “wine in it.”  Horrors to Betsy. Gracie girl I would venture to say that 95% of every Village resident has some sort of alcoholic drink in their home.  I know that some residents take a swig, after listening to Dave Israel rant about his superior knowledge of UCO history.  However, let’s remind Gracie what the true facts were which she conveniently chose not to remember.  When Phyllis approached Grace to ask permission to have my grand daughter stay at our condo, she was studying for the Florida Bar and was working in a down town law office.  She was also in her late-twenties.  Grace found nothing wrong with this arrangement and signed the necessary condo papers that acknowledged and approved that  my granddaughter would be allowed to reside there while studying for her exams.  I should not waste words on people who deserve my silence,  but your suggestions were so gross that I was forced to deal with fake people by responding.

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