Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Century Village and all our residents around the globe.
Stew Richland

Observations on the “Comic Opera” nee Delegates Assembly meeting.

“Someone must teach that good manners, disciplined behavior, and civility—by whatever name—are the lubricants that prevent discourse from turning into combat. More than that, civility is really the very glue that keeps an organized society from flying into pieces” Chief Justice Warren Burger

Unfortunately not all people heed this guidance and instead resort to hostility,  incivility, whether out of anger, laziness,   a proclivity for conflict,  personnel insecurity,  poor listening skills,  or the inability to reason well.  Instead of acting like a good man, exercising the rule of fair play, or as the British say showing “good form. “  Our UCO President has repeatedly shown that he lacks the basic skills  to conduct himself in a manner that brings dignity and professionalism to the office he holds.  The UCO President has a professional responsibility and an ethical  obligation to conduct himself  in a civil manner, not to use means that has as its fundamental purpose to embarrass, demean,  belittle any or all individuals or groups that share differing opinions than he does. In Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera, The Mikado,  the phrase, “short, sharp, shock” was used to mean “a quick severe punishment.” which a prisoner awaiting his 
 beheading is about to experience.  This is  what I would proscribe for our UCO President.
The Comic Opera began with  a  very patriotic rendering of our National Anthem  and salute the flag, then introduction of our local dignitaries,  the police report,  followed by our Treasure’s report. Then we were treated with detailed reports of the previous months activities by our UCO Vice Presidents.  This is my attempt at droll humor.  We learned nothing of substance about the happenings from the quadrant commanders or even what they did during the past month.

                         BY DAVE ISRAEL

Then amateur  night at Comedy Central began.    Our Commissar, apprising  the Assembly, stated that there were a large number of people wearing red t-shirts and said this was like a meeting of the “Comintern,” which in the real world is an assembly of delegates  to the Communist International.  Then he added “red is a good color.”  The red-t - shirts were worn by supporters of Phyllis Richland and advertised that she was running for President of UCO.  Dave’s first attempt at Saturday Night at the Comedy Club humor was a bust.

When another speaker posed a question that agitated the Assembly, our Commissar retorted, these people come here to shake you up at the meetings.  When it was announced that there was going to be a candidates forum in the Club House where delegates can have a question and answer session and by the way food will be available to all,  Dave blustered out, “Yea food for votes.”   These remarks clearly explains his state of mind.  A man who lacks any sense of decency and morals. On his blog, he remarked that Phyllis Richland left the auditorium when  they were talking about the “snipe sign” suggesting that perhaps she was embarrassed by what was being said.  Again the man wears filters over his eyes.  A delegate approached Phyllis to ask for some advice about a problem that his association was having, and rather than have the conversation interfere with the Delegate Assembly, she and the resident left the room to discuss the home owners concerns in private. 
Now I ask our Commissar of Correctness. why did you not address the issue of so many delegates leaving the room?  Perhaps they were sick of your asides and went home to enjoy a reality show.

What is happening here in the Village under Dave Israel is the second coming of Tammany Hall or Chicago style politics.  First he reports to County Enforcement about the campaign banner on the synagogues fence.  Now he says that he wants the eye sore pollution  campaign banner displayed at Northampton R taken down, and he announced that he  reported this to Code Enforcement.  Well Commissar, did you report the “sails” displayed in front of Village Real Estate office to code enforcement also?  Of course not!   Politics as usual by Dave the Czar.

To continue his abuse of power, he contacts the owner of the Medical Center to complain that political debates were taking place in one of the meeting rooms. Untrue,  it was only a meeting of a club.

All these acts have been taken because Dave Israel fears, and rightly so, the swell of support for Phyllis Richland’s run for the presidency of UCO, and he will resort to any act that attempts to demean the competition. 

The residents that support Phyllis Richland are displaying their support in the open for all to see.  They are proud to be on her side and the banner and tee shirts are just examples of this openness. You Lanny Howe, chose to defend a person who resorts to unprofessional actions,  a person who so wants to be a four term president that you accept scurrilous verbiage,  his mean spirited policies and  low ball attacks on  all those who oppose him.  Well Mr. Howe,  ( also  Pete Cruise) I think that the “short, sharp, shock,”  will be coming your way this March.

”I will of course yield to whomever
agrees with me.”   Dave Israel’s meeting style!

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