Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Very Good Day

Dear friends and neighbors,

Yesterday I had the good fortune to speak to two groups. I was received , in both cases, as a friend and neighbor. There were quite a few voting delegates at each meeting and the questions were intelligent and well thought out.

One meeting was held at the medical building in the CSI area because ,as you know, no meetings of a political nature are allowed in the clubhouse. This will change when I am president. I want to thank the Messengers for giving me the opportunity to speak to their group. The other meeting was held in the driveway of the association that invited me. There were many familiar faces there and I want to thank them for allowing me the time before their election.

I am going to have two meetings hosted by CSI in January and February. The first is Thursday, January 28th at 10 AM at CSI and the next is Thursday, February 25th at 10 AM also at CSI. Please come and bring your friends, your neighbors and your questions. I look forward to seeing you and enjoying a cup of coffee and a bagel with you.

There are two other associations that I am scheduled to speak to and if you would like me to come to your meeting just call me and we can set a date. my home number is 697-3601. I will call you back if I am not home.

Once again,I want to thank all of you for your support and good wishes have a great day, Phyllis


  1. Phyllis, you spoke well, answered honestly and forthrightly and displayed a great sense of humor and of course, knowledge. Just what the doctor ordered for CV.

  2. If you have created a written document of your platform and how you will address the many current issues within CV, I would love to see it posted in your blog. For those of us who are snowbirds this will be the optimal way to learn more of how you plan to improve the existing CV issues.
