Thursday, February 18, 2016



“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” 
Jonathan Swift


When I read Lanny Howe’s comments on the Candidates Forum I could not believe that we were in the same room.  The venue was called a Candidates Forum,  but where were the Delegates?  Most of the attendees wore Red Shirts, as Dave acknowledged to Susan Bucher, and again made the snide remark, this looks like the meeting of the Comentern.  This comment fell flat, no one was listening, but when  one judges themselves as the high priest of droll humor,  why not repeat the comment.  Why repeat the comment again when most of the audience wore red shirts which clearly demonstrated  they were in support of Phyllis Richland. 

Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver’s Travels noted “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.”   I counted 83 attendees at this so call Candidates Forum and about 20 candidates.  We have over 300 voting delegates in Century Village, where were they?  Maybe Dave  sees something that us mere mortals do not, like 300 delegates all with signs waving in the breeze, “TEAM DAVID.”

Lannie Howe has to be coming from an alternate universe.  How could any one attending the forum and then reading his column take him seriously. 
A real observer would, as all reporters should do, “get the facts, just the facts” and report the other side of the story before you draw conclusions.  You conclude that Dave WON  this debate because Phyllis has a limited knowledge about WI-FI.  Give me a break!  Based on your mode of analysis,  we have to conclude that Dave is a flop as  a CEO because he has demonstrated time and time again that he absolutely does not have the people skills for his job.

Jonathan Swift observed, “Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style.”  This quote explains why Phyllis took the highroad in the debate.  Dave’s clumsy attempt at trying to degrade Phyllis Richland’s  performance as a UCO V.P. is what this huckster is all about.  Just another example of him playing three card monte with the facts.  Phyllis Richland, as a human being with compassion has always felt that the soul that is within her no man can degrade. 

Dave Israel is truly the King of Lilliput.  He is the ruler of the Lilliputs (citizens of Lilliput in Gulliver’s travels) only they are called “Team Dave.”  By the way, those who supported Phyllis Richland had been using the term “Team Phyllis”  weeks before Dave discovered it.

The King of Lilliput, urges Gulliver to steal the ships of the king’s competitors. 
Well the King of our Century Village not only gets the government to remove campaign banners,  he also had his own Gulliver wearing a “Glow”  shirt, riding around the Village in his golf cart following orders,  tearing down all campaign signs supporting Phyllis Richland under his order.

Another one of Jonathan Swift’s gems:  “proper words in proper places make the true definition of style.”  Well lets examine our Kings style.  He used vile language  towards one of his Vice Presidents,  use snide remarks at Delegate Assembly meetings in order to demean any person who disagrees with his policies.  His attempts at sarcasm, when weeding out those who oppose him becomes another illustration in to the real character of this man.  Mr. President, the best rule to follow when in conversation with opponents is never to say a thing which any of the audience can reasonably wish had been left  unsaid.

Lanny,  how about Joy Vestal’s refusal to answer a question which she felt did not need to be answered?  Rather not say anything and allow the truth to come limping along afterward,  when it is to late for any rebuttal.  Her responses reminds me of a physician who has discovered an infallible  medicine after the patient has died.

So the Emperor of Lilliput presided over the “red carpet” event, the Candidates Forum, attended by his court of noble Lilliputians, to an audience of 83, who, not all  wore “red” shirts and were supporters of Phyllis Richland, and Lannie Howe calls this a win for the Emperor.  Bazinga (coining the phrase used in the Big Bang Theory meaning we gotcha). 

Congratulations Dave, you  and most of your  team have discovered a shorter and more prudent method to becoming clever, using innuendo,  and wit  without the fatigue of reading or thinking.


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