Monday, February 29, 2016

To all Century Village residents, please be careful we have CREEPS among us. Be on guard.

Stew Richland

The CREEP squad looking for snipe posters.

 Socrates: I agree. If these citizens were convinced of their freedom, they would not need reminders.”  In his discourse with Plato.
Well that’s what happened today, Friday in Century Village. A caravan of cars, with signs and banners supporting Phyllis Richland drove through the Village in the afternoon reminding our residents that change is just a few days away. 

It was exciting to be part of this demonstration.  It is just a reminder as Socrates tells us that freedom to express one’s views is one of the fundamental cornestones of a Democratic society. 

Dave Israel and associates, knew they were facing a formidable opponent in Phyllis Richland and  his so called “team David” began to employ what most politicians who are fearful of their opponents called “dirty tricks.”  Dirty tricks are unethical, duplicitous,  demeaning, and cruel tactics to diminish or destroy the effectiveness of a political opponent.  When  a candidate runs into trouble, they begin to set that strategy into motion.  I am not sure if Dave was working for the government when Richard Nixon was president, but I am sure that some of the techniques employed  by the “CREEP” team provided Dave with a notebook full of ideas. (CREEP = Committee for the Reelection of the President under Nixon.  Part of this group broke into the Watergate office complex and were caught.  The Washington Post’s, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, along with their mysterious informant, Deep Throat did the basic investigation which eventually forced President Nixon’s to resign)

The first thing Dave did was surround himself with the a “creep squad.” Dave has since elevated this to “Team David.”  CREEP began its program to get their boss elected. They changed the by-laws so that he could run for a third term. The plan unfolds. Limit all competition.  Prevent any opposing group from using the club house or pool areas for political campaigning.  From there it was control of the UCO Reporter. CREEP associates adopted a policy not to allow any anti CREEP articles in the paper.  Pro CREEP propaganda, nothing else.  The power behind CREEP stepped up his demeaning rhetoric at Delegate Assembly meetings.  As a result the gadfly Messenger was born.

The CREEP program motored on.  When Phyllis Richland placed her banner on the synagogue fence, the CREEP  chief moved quickly.  They called Code Enforcement to remove the sign.  They were also called when Olga displayed the sign on her condo.  CREEP also complained when Olga placed a sign on condo property, but foiled CREEP's plans when the sign met county specifications.

CREEP has enforcers that scout the Village looking for anti-Dave signs or signs that announce that Phyllis Richland is running for president of UCO and they strike, with wire cutters and bare knuckles and tear them down. 

A CREEP reporter gathering the facts!

The cadre of CREEPS is comprised of an assortment of odd supporters.  Lanny Howe is the so called self-styled  “Drew Pearson,  syndicated newspaper columnist for the Washington Post that wrote the “Washington Merry-Go-Round,” in which he attacked various public persons. Well the Merry-go-Round is still alive.  Lanny Howe, is the chief defender of what ever Dave Israel says or does.  Lanny sees  journalism as a weapon to be used against those he judged to be working against the interests of Dave Israel.  Way down on the scale of literary scholars is E. Brown, “Desirade,” Peter Cruz and way down is Gracie. I have looked under many rocks to find some evidence that justifies their position on the CREEP squad, but I cannot find a rational motive for their support of the Israel administration unless it’s a replacement for an energy boost drink.

The CREEP organization really dropped the ball with the UCO’s Delegates forum.  All the fancy planning, meetings, limited publicity could not garner more than 83 residents attending the forum and most of them wearing red support Phyllis Richland shirts. Contrast with the Candidate’s Forum sponsored by Messenger. Three hundred residents attended, intelligent questions posed and not one demeaning remark was uttered.

 CREEP supporters are never embarrassed for what they say. In this instance the few questions that were posed to Phyllis Richland, were designed to provoke the candidate.  Well class will out. Candidate Richland deftly side stepped their quires and stayed on task.
CREEP chief apologist, Lanny Howe, called this forum a great success and a victory for the current administration.  Lanny Howe is still riding the CREEP Merry-GO-Round.
This weekend we had the support Phyllis Richland “team” car caravan circling  the Village.  From all the thumbs up we received it was a gratifying and reward experience. 
We all know what happened to the Nixon CREEP program.  Lets us all hope that lightening will strike twice.

NOTE: Phyllis Richland’s blog ---

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