Monday, January 18, 2016

Turning the air blue or saying what is true!

“Rudeness is the weak mans imitation of strength!  This quote describes David Israel. He is not ugly in his face, but in his thoughts because the way he expresses himself reveals a sad rude human being.

Turning the air blue (which David stated on his blog) was or still is a talent that the “snot dripping cretin” espoused. By the way that was what David called me during one of his temper tantrums.  Does this ring a bell David?  As Frank Cornish, ask Marsha Ziccardy who were also witnesses to some of his toxic rage.

Yes, as a candidate running for UCO President, I welcome the fact that there is a ground swell of support for my candidacy that is garnering many,  many followers. I am happy to get support from any group.  So far, only the Messenger Club has the guts to put themselves out there and support me. There are many delegates that are part of that group and I welcome any  group and voters. Because my campaign is self funding any one supporting me knows that there is no quid pro quo. My administration will be populated by the best people for the job. The brain power in our Village is astounding. There are so many people out there that are willing to volunteer to help make Century Village the paradise it should be.

Yes, there were times when I left the office early.  But where did I go?  To a meeting with an association or to the club house for an appointment or to an outside agency to set up a program for the Village.  What about the mornings that I was at the office at 7:30 AM to let a resident in the back door because they needed to renew an application and did not want anyone in the front office to see them. They were embarrassed and I helped them shield their dignity.  Something you would never do.

If you were at the Golf’s Edge meeting you would have heard me say that we did have a detective named Michael in the Village.  I did not remember his last name and he did wear his badge on the outside of his clothing which made many people feel safe.
I also reiterated that I have been away for awhile and I have not been involved as I had been before.  So there are issues, as President, I would have to briefed on and that is why I extend an invitation to the president emeritus to join my administration to keep the continuity  for the good of the Village.  David, if you are going to quote me, have the decency to do it accurately.

And Grace,  how come you never wanted anyone to see the accounts of your association while I was a resident there.  You were only acting President, because the elected President was becoming ill and unable to function in that capacity.  How convenient.  Oh and by the way, if the only thing you can accuse me of is having a wine collection, you should be lucky enough to have what it is valued at.

In closing,  I would like to say to those people who are supporting my campaign the effort that you are putting forth makes me very proud and very humble.

Thank you all,
Phyllis Richland

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