Saturday, January 30, 2016

To all our Century Village residents who attend the theater, take heart,  Kabuki is here.

     Stewart Richland

Dave Israel, director of the theater of the absurd!

The British have Stratford –on – Avon, the Japanese have their national Kabuki theater and we here, as so aptly described by our leader, as  the theater of the absurd, and the director is, of course Dave Israel and the producers are WPRF.

Since you love to reference what you see happening at the Delegate Assembly meetings as Kabuki theater, I thought I would provide you with a little background.
Kabuki is considered a Japanese treasure.  Kabuki, as the people’s theatre, provided a vivid commentary on contemporary society. There is a constant interplay between the actors and the spectators. The actors frequently interrupted the play to address the audience. Some times they would call out the names of their favorite actors. Since the program lasted for many hours, food was served to the viewers. (Dave, offer food and they will come.) In a way, Kabuki was similar to the Gilbert and Sullivan light operas.  The underlying premise of these types of theatrical presentations, is to poke fun in a satirical way at their government. 
Traditionally, a constant interplay between the actors and the spectators took place in the Kabuki theatre. The actors are storytellers, they inform the audience about the foibles of their government, like “gadflys”   or malcontents.  Very often they would use metaphors to make their point.
When you refer to what goes on in the Delegate Assembly as “Kabuki style theater” you display your lack of knowledge about Kabuki, you use this marvelous theatrical device in a pejorative way attempting to insult those who just want to ask questions, provide information or address issues that are of deep concern to them.  Dave, as a director you are no Bob Fosse, maybe Alfred Hitchcock, with all those twists and turns of your administration.
When you referenced the fact that those who supported Phyllis Richland wore red shirts what did you say into the mike for all to hear.  “What is this the meeting of the Comintern”  (the Soviet Congress)  (your attempt at satire fell flat on its face, but it really is a classic example of who you really are, a nasty, mean spirited person who has not one iota of civility).  Then you do not hesitate to inform us that Phyllis Richland left the Delegate Assembly at the point when there was a discussion about the campaign banner placed on the synagogue on Haverhill. Phyllis was approached by a resident with a serious problem and wanted her advice.  She could have answered him then and there. However, displaying common sense and respect for all those around her, she left the theater in order  to afford this person the privacy they deserved. Sadly again, your snide comments illustrate how low you often sink when you attempt to be clever. The more pressing point here is why did you have to address this in your Presidents column.  Rather tell us what you are doing to improve Century Village.  Obviously you had little on your plate so to fill up your column you illustrate once again, how vindictive you really are. 

You use the phrase “floating around” to describe how the campaign banner was fastened.  If anything was floating around it was you.  Well at least you left your UCO cubby hole to see what is going on in the Village. (Or perhaps one of your water boys saw the banner, and boom, you rose to the occasion  to investigate this “horrible” but treasured method to inform voters about your illegal attempt to win a fourth term as president.

Your refer to the fact that Olga demanded that the club house be open to political campaigning.  First, it was YOU along with your buddy that perpetrated this insulting act that terminated the use of the club house for campaigning. Secondly, all campaigning was done in a designated area and never interfered with residents enjoying their time at the Club House. You want to know what haranguing residents really is, listen to yourself when you tout Broadband and WIFI.

You mention trash being pumped out on to the internet, do you ever read what Gunga Din (water boys/and girl) post on your blog. Talk about “eye pollution” they seem to have sole proprietorship on that score.

You reference the Messenger supporters as disruptive, think about all the time you prevented their supporters from talking.  This is what causes disruption.  Your snide remarks cause disruption.  For example, telling me to sit down or you will tell my principle.  This from an honorable man?  Ha Ha Ha.  Caesar was an honorable man. Even though you think your are the Caesar of Century Village, your are not Caesar.


Guess who is behind the mask?

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