Thursday, January 21, 2016

Century Village  your opinions are important,  so speak out!

Stew Richland

You may not like the literary method that I chose to call attention to Dave Israel’s ruling style as the UCO President. The reason why I chose this style is to push peoples emotional buttons, and especially their awareness buttons.  Based on your reaction, my words did soak up some emotional connotations which you processed and reacted to.  Whether you personally like or dislike what I wrote, you cannot dismiss the article in terms of what it was intended to do.

Any person that has followed the Israel administration these lo six years cannot deny the fact that his administration style leaves much to be desired.  Our residents know that there is a difference between good manners, civility and dignified behavior and David’s  foolish boisterous wicked practice of using demeaning, crass, crude remarks to inflict embarrassment and suffering on all those who challenge him.

I ask my self. why does he resort to these cheap, crass responses? Why does he go there?  He is not a Lenny Bruce or George Carlin.  It’s so unfortunate, so low class, but for Dave, it’s so easy.

You may not agree with the format of how I dealt with examining the Israel administration, but you cannot deny  all that I have exposed did occur.  I know that you are not happy when I reach into my teacher bag of tricks to make a point. However, I think that this will help you understand where I am coming from.  When I taught American Government, we were required to explain how the election process works. The process of selecting a candidate for the Presidency presupposes that a voter knows what qualities they want for their leader.  Their homework assignment asks them to list the most important qualities they think a president must have. The following day, I have students list their ideas on the board.  We then evaluate their ideas and put them in the order of most important to least important.  Trustworthiness, being honest, don’t cheat, steal, or deceive, Being reliable, doing what you say, having the courage to do the right thing Respect for the office they hold.  The one thing that all agreed on was the idea that you do not tarnish the image of the office.  In Century Village, like the United States, the President represents all of the people.  When the President’s deportment denigrates the office, then we have serious issues.  Dave Israel, has in so many ways, by his actions, his speech, his misuse of presidential power, tarnishes the office of president.  He must not be reelected and allowed to erode the image of UCO.

When the voters select Phyllis Richland as the new UCO President, the Roses will bloom again in Century Village.

Please read Phyllis Richland’s blog at:

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