Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Stew  Richland
Prior to the discoveries of Americus Vespucci and Christopher Columbus it was an accepted fact that the world was flat and that if one sailed east or west they would reach the edge of our universe and fall off the cliff so to speak and disappear in to the vast void of the unknown.  
To bad that the earth is not flat.  We could just tip it left or right and let the sludge that has accumulated in our own USA fall off the cliff and be gone for ever. Let’s start with the top layer.  There is no doubt in my mind that our President will go down in history as one of the most inept and weak leaders this nation has ever had. In this current election cycle we hear pundits extol the idea that experience is a vital quality for any candidate.  I agree. If this assumption is correct, than why was Barak Obama elected to our highest office.  His experience was limited to being a community organizer, and then elected to the U.S. Senate, and after serving two years, and  sponsoring no legislation, giving speeches attacking the Republican President was all a person needed to be considered for our highest office which is an insult to the American voter.  Perhaps, his tenure as a Constitutional Law professor at Harvard qualifies him for the job. 
The only other so call academic that was ever elected to the office of the Presidency was Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton University and supported left-wing Progressive views.  His greatest “un-achievement” was his 14 points which included a “League of Nations” designed to prevent future world wars.  This proposal was doomed from the beginning because Wilson did not include any leading Republicans in his entourage when he went to the Paris Peace Conference.  When the Senate refused to accept the Paris Peace Treaty, and Wilson refused to compromise certain concepts with the opposition, he  then decided to bring the issue to the American people. This, sadly resulted in  Wilson having a stroke. When the opposition urged him to compromise, he refused, and so the 14 points was rejected.  This would have been the corner stone of Woodrow Wilson’s presidential legacy. It seems that college professors (instructors) don’t do well as President.
 Do you remember the circus like atmosphere at the White House when the so-called ground breaking Affordable Care Act was signed and became law.  This was President Obama’s signature legislation that was supposed to become the base for his presidential legacy,  Do you remember when Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said “sign it now and you read it later.”  This was the first clue that this plan would never work. Obama said you can “keep your doctor and your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.  Seven  years have passed and the costs have skyrocketed, young people are not signing up and small businesses are suffering and most people have not kept their doctors and they have lost their health providers.
Wouldn’t be great if we could just tip the earth a bit and dump this sludge over the edge and just let it fly, fly away.  Another bit of legacy that also should be “deep sixed” is the deal the administration made with Iran.  Now It comes to light that we paid millions in tribute to get our hostages out and it seems we may be repeating this mistake again. 
I am sure that in warfare 101 taught at West Point, letting the enemy know what your plans are is a “No No!”  Then why does our commander-in-chief publically announce to  our foes how many soldiers we are sending or withdrawing from the field of combat and providing time tables for these events. 
If we are dumping sludge over the edge, how about all those regulations that the Obama administration has put into place which has resulted in strangling  economic growth and put so many out of work. 
For the last two years, the American people have been entertained or horrified by the election activities of both parties. The reason our Founding Fathers decided on the electoral system we use for selecting our president was based on the idea that the “common man,”  ups, sorry, I must remain politically correct, the “common person,” is not  well informed on the issues confronting our nation. Hence, these low-information citizens, select electors,  based on the population of each state.  More populated states have more electors than states with smaller populati0ns. This explains why candidates spend more time campaigning in high populated states because they get more bang for their advertising buck.
Perhaps it is time to dump our current electi0n system over the edge along with the other sludge and start fresh.  Many people agree that the campaign cycle is much to long.  They also propose a limit on campaign spending or have the election paid for by the Federal Government and end the electoral system. The candidate that wins the popular vote would be elected.
In recent weeks Michelle Obama has been out on the campaign trail and has become the darling of the “left wing press.”   First lady Michelle Obama said she was "beyond proud" to take part in a commissioning ceremony Saturday for the U.S. Navy attack submarine named for her home state of Illinois.  When her husband was elected she said:.  “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country because people are ready for a change.”  Well as a citizen of Chicago the crime has gone up, not down and African-Americans have seen little economic progress under her husbands eight years as president.  Prior to Obama’s election, Michelle Obama worked in the Chicago Medical County Hospital earning over 100K per year. Her supervisor was Valerie Jarrett now the most important advisor to the President. Mrs. Obama’s  claim to fame working at this hospital was the “cherry picking” scheme of dumping Medicaid, uninsured and other unprofitable patients on less mercenary community hospitals. But no amount of journalistic lipstick can hide the reality that Mrs. Obama's initiative is a patient-dumping scheme. Can you imagine if  Mrs. Obama was a Republican, what the liberal press would have said about her.
Some more “junk in the trunk” that should be shoved over the edge are the constant invitations offered by the Obama  White House to “gangster rap” musicians that glorify killing police, abuse of women and encourage violence.  However, these lyrics are “ok”  but some of the language that Donald Trump has used in not. 
In the movie “The History of the World Part II,” Mel Bro0ks, portraying the King of France, looks first to a very endowed lady, and then into the camera with a lecherous look and says: “It’s Great to be King!”  Well its great to be the First Lady.  She has travelled around the world on vacations. Enjoyed the luxury of some of the finest hotels in the word, shared these trips with her mother and friends all on the tax payers dime.  In addition, her project that was to improve the quality of food that youngsters are fed in public schools, was totally rejected by the students.  Perhaps she should have devoted more time to saving the lives of Black children living in her home town of Chicago.  Over the side goes the food, good intentions and the bills the tax payers were forced to pay. 
In her presidential bid, Hillary Clinton has made job creation a centerpiece of her platform, casting herself as a pragmatist who would inspire “the biggest investment in new, good-paying jobs since World War II.’’ Her argument that she would put more Americans to work has focused on her time in the Senate, when she took on the mission of creating jobs in chronically depressed Upstate New York. She even appointed her husband as the “chief development officer.”  The economic conditions in up-state New York did not improve but got worse under the Senatorial leadership of Hillary Clinton.  Upstate job growth stagnated overall during her tenure, with manufacturing jobs plunging nearly 25 percent, according to jobs data. But nearly eight years after Clinton’s Senate exit, there is little evidence that her economic development programs had a substantial impact on upstate N.Y. employment.
During a Wolf Blitzer CNN interview Clinton  could not “name her number one accomplishment while serving  the citizens of New York.  She sponsored or co-sponsored 713 pieces  of legislation during her 8 years in the Senate. Senator Clinton’s  monumental accomplishments are:
1. S.3145 – a bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A.
located in Orchard Par, N>Y> as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway.” 2. S.3613 – A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway
43 IN Averill Park, N.Y, as the “Major George Quarno Post Office Building.” 3 S1241 – the Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act
Senator Clinton’s claim to fame as the smartest women alive.

Clinton postures herself as an economic promoter also showcases an operating style that has come to define the political and money-making machine known to some critics of the former first couple as Clinton Inc. Most of her pet projects involved loyal supporters or those that contributed to the Clinton Foundation.  We refer to all this as “Pay to Play.”  One of her low level efforts such as securing federal money for a Buffalo project called Artspace that created residential living space for artists. Clinton cites Artspace in her list of Senate accomplishments. For a person running for President to claim this as a major accomplishment is “laughable.”
The Clinton Foundation has enough grease connected to it that it would take little effort to shove this over the edge.

Do you remember when Hillary Clinton, stated during a Congressional hearing about Bengasi,  “What difference does it make!”  Well to the families that lost their sons, it does make a difference.  She also made a point to underscore her foreign policy experience when she described her role in the death of Osama Ben Laden.  In April 1996, Osama bin Laden was an official guest of the radical Islamic government of Sudan – a government that had been implicated in the attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993. Sudan offered to turn over Ben Laden  to the United States.  Clinton supporters say this offer was never made. However, Lawrence Wright, in his Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Looming Tower," flatly states that Sudan did make such an offer. Why then did President Clinton not jump at the offer?  Remember Monica Lewinsky?  The President was so preoccupied with the scandal and testifying under oath and making television appearances and pointing his finger and telling Americans that he “DID NOT  have sex with   that woman!”

I have decided not to make any observations about the Clinton E-Mail scandals because the issue is still on going and I don’t want to mix speculation with fact. I will leave it to my readers to draw their own conclusions on this issue.
As a student of American government, I am so disappointed by what is happening to our political system.  We have some really talented people that should have tossed their “hats in the ring” and run for the White House.
There are many members of Congress that I would love to see pushed over the edge into the great void along with their so called neutral TV  and press supporters. 
“An honest man in politics shines more there than he would elsewhere,” said Mark Twain. This is the way politics should be in America.
Would it not be great to cast a line, with a copy of the Constitution as a lure, may be we will get lucky and pull up another Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln or Reagan, and then we will be able to make America “Great Again!”

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