Sunday, February 7, 2016

To all Century Villagers where ever you are on the Super Bowl 50 game day.

Stew Richland

“Politicians and diapers have one thing in common----they both should be 
changed  regularly and for the same reason.”  (unknown)

To Lanny Howe and the members of the Advisory Board who voted against the Term Limit amendment proposal, this cartoon clearly illustrates where your thinking is.  Just a gentle reminder.  In 2008, our current President made a strong case for term limits.  His pal, Ed Black followed Dave Israel’s plea for term limits with a much more vigorous argument for enforcing the term limit rule. 

I would like to remind Lanny Howe that Century Village by-laws had term limits and when your leader decided that this by-law would end his reign, he had the by-law changed to allow him to run for a third term, and now for a fourth term.  Lanny, you fall flat again when you suggest that the “gadflys” support term limits for Century Village. You fail to note that we always had term limits until your boy got into office.  Now you make it sound as if this is a new idea. It is interesting to note that at the recent Advisory meeting, all of Dave’s supporters voted against having  the term limit by-law reinstated.  Most of those who cast their votes to end term limits did not think that the issue was important enough to provide, for the public record, a reason for their decision.  Harry Truman once remarked that, “Term limits would cure both senility and myopia, both terrible political diseases.”  After listening to the Israel supporters at this meeting, it is clear that his supporters have now contracted this disease.  I suggest that the only anti-biotic for this condition is to elect Phyllis Richland as our new UCO President.

Why has Dave Israel flip-flopped on the issue of term limits?  Rarely is the elected official who maintains his or her support for term limits after actually winning the job, and enjoying what ever perks the job provides, would support term limits. This is evidenced  by the bloviating of Israel supporters at various meetings and by Lanny Howe’s (and others) lame postings on Dave’s blog.  Lanny I disagree with your comment that the “regulars” are falling asleep.  The regulars are vigilant.  Dave does not allow any comments on his blog that challenges him.  Joy Vestel, had announced that the UCO Reporter will print articles that are critical of Dave. Baloney!  The UCO Reporter has indeed adopted  an editorial  policy of “deep sixing” any article that questions Dave Israel’s policies or judgment.  This is a Joy Vestel’s policy of “Freedom of the Press.”  UGH!  Lanny how about our President spending his valuable time going after a resident in his own Association and even stooping to peeping in to windows.  How about all the effort put forth by Dave and his minions to eliminate any campaign banners and posters by those who support Phyllis Richland.  The only difference between these covert actors, and the thought police is coincidental.
Anyone, including you Lanny, that makes the argument for eliminating term limits has either a sophomoric understanding of political science, or more plausibly is an elected official himself.

There is no question that Dave Israel has a fondness for power and it is natural to abuse it when he has the power to do so.  For example:  Preventing any opposition candidate or group from using the club house and pool areas for meet and greet events;  contacting code enforcement when a campaign banner was placed on the fence of the Synagogue on Haverhill Road;  encouraging his minions to complain that campaign posters and banners are eye pollution and demand they be removed. 

We are all well aware of the advantages of the incumbency, this is well documented.  The notion that a politician gets better at his job the longer he does it is intuitive—that’s true of every professional. However, one has to remember that public service is not just any profession but rather the embodiment of governing principles. Sadly for us here in Century Village, Dave does not seem to understand, and support the ideals of good government.  For example, Dave does not hesitate to utter snipes at any comment made by our residents if he opposes it.  His comment about  a posted campaign sign that he does not like will be “brought up to the federal level.”  His comment about the dissidents meet and greet, “offer food and they shall come.”  This is a picture of a hapless naïf with big dreams about making a difference, demonstrating the lack of experience that a professional would have learned from many years of experience.

Our elected leaders do not live in some  cloistered  world. In our Village, the reality of dealing with issues that are of deep concern to those that are some what helpless, deserve much better than they are now getting.  The reason that term limits is condemned by Dave and his supporters is obvious. It is  POISON HEMLOCK , and, unfortunately, so few of our elected officials are veritable Socraties.  The argument that only a guy like Dave Israel can tackle the issues of running Century Village is a sophomoric one.  We can find, and we have found in Phyllis Richland, a new and capable leader that will protect our Villages interests. 

The greatest deception men and women suffer is from their own opinions.   That kind of sums up who Dave Israel is which includes you Lanny Howe, Peter Cruz and of course Joy Vestal. 

The Israel administration waiting for inspiration! or a “whipping” huh lanny.

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